SYCL in nuce -- Overview

on under sycl
3 minute read

This chapter will provide a high-level view of SYCL and the problems it is meant to solve. After that we will look at the steps required for the offloading of a basic SAXPY operation. The chapter ends by covering the structure of the SYCL API.



What it takes to offload a SAXPY operation

Step 1 - Device selection and queue creation

Step 2 - Device memory allocation

Step 3 - Kernel execution

Step 4 - Synchronization


API concepts

Coding conventions

At the moment SYCL is only available for the C++ programming language. There are no bindings for C, Fortran or any other language as far as I know.

All of SYCL’s functionality is defined inside the sycl.hpp header which is supplied along your vendor’s SYCL compiler. We will cover the installation of this environment in the next chapter.

SYCL’s classes, constants, types and functions reside inside the cl::sycl namespace. Vendor-specific extensions are defined inside cl::sycl::<vendor_name>.

Object creation usually relies on a lot of enum classes in conjunction with template parameters. In general, object creation follows this pattern:

auto sycl_object = cl::sycl::sycl_class<int,             // a data type
                                        1,               // dimensionality of the object
                                        cl::sycl::config // a SYCL type or enum class value
                        cl::sycl::range<1> // usually the same dimensionality as above
                        {42}               // the object's size

Reference semantics

One important difference to ordinary C++ are SYCL’s reference semantics, especially when copying SYCL objects on the host side. The specification states in section 4.3.2:

Each of the following SYCL runtime classes: device, context, queue, program, kernel, event, buffer, image, sampler, accessor and stream must obey the following statements, where T is the runtime class type: […] Any instance of T that is constructed as a copy of another instance, via either the copy constructor or copy assignment operator, must behave as-if it were the original instance and as-if any action performed on it were also performed on the original instance and if said instance is not a host object must represent and continue to represent the same underlying OpenCL objects as the original instance where applicable.

Note that this also refers to memory buffers and images! This means that a copy performed by assignment only creates a reference to the very same memory, it does not allocate new memory or copies any of the existing device memory. This is different from the assignment operations we know from standard C++ where an assignment would create (for example) a new vector and then perform a copy of the old vector’s contents.

Exception handling

SYCL’s method of error handling are exceptions. While these are similar to the exceptions known from the C++ STL they do not inherit from any of the STL’s predefined classes. Instead, SYCL defines a base exception class from which multiple other exception types inherit.

By default SYCL will only (visibly) throw exceptions that occur on the host side, i.e. during program control flow. Exceptions that are raised on the device side (inside the kernel) will be thrown asynchronously with regard to the host program. The programmer needs to set up an asynchronous exception handling mechanism if he wants to catch these errors (we will cover this in a later chapter).


Sooner or later you will want to profile your device kernels. For basic timing-based profiling you can use SYCL’s built-in functionality: just pass the enable_profiling property to the queue during the latter’s construction and you can query the events returned by the queue for profiling information. We will cover this with more detail in one of the following chapters.